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  • 【编者按】通过十几年从事国际升学指导的实践积累,作者从数以千计的文书案例中摸索共性规律,找出中国学生在美国大学夏校或科研项目文书写作方面存在的核心问题,并详细记录与学生的沟通过程、对文案的修改过程,为国际升学指导教师和夏校申请学生提供深入浅出的案例分析和文书展示。高质量文书写作需要从以下四个方面着手:对于文书题目的理解、对于适合文书的素材筛选、对于文书写作的内容定位与思想定位、对于文书写作语言风格与结构的设计。以下是攻略的第一部分,重点介绍“对于文书题目的理解”。


美国大学夏校或科研项目的申请文书看似不过是几篇应答式的英文简述或小论文,但在大多数情况下,这类小论文(essay)在申请过程中往往起到举足轻重的作用。美国大学录取是“综合评估”(holistic review),大学不仅看学生的成绩,更重要的是选择一个适合学校的人。学生需要向大学展示“我是谁”(who am I)。申请文书是自我推介(self-advocacy)的重要组成部分,也是美国大学了解学生个性特征,学术潜力,兴趣与动机,能力和格局的第一步。






(一)锁定、分析题目关键词。在以Pioneer Academics[1]夏校的如下题目为例,有哪些关键词呢?

Please share up to 3 extracurricular activities in which you have participated that you feel are important for us to consider with your application, and describe why they are meaningful to you.

关键词1:Extracurricular activities


关键词2:Important for us to consider with your application


这样还需要延伸阅读Pioneer Academics在官方微信公众号上介绍的申请攻略中有关“录取审核要素”:学术兴趣、学术综合能力、写作能力、成熟度、沟通能力、学术配置情况。也就是说,题目中规定的3篇简述可以分别对应某一个“录取审核要素”。

关键词3:Why they are meaningful to you





对300字以下的短文,从经验看,争取写到规定字数的上限,才能充分达意。Pioneer Academics的这篇短文要求75字,需要尽量写到上限体量。


(1)Elite program selects about 350 best students around China and offers them one year to conduct research with best Chinese professors. (2)In the year, I've analyzed dozens of papers, overturned, and rewritten my experiments countless times and eventually helped refine the theory of ultraviolet-induced high GC content published on Science in 1970. (3)I became the top 15 students in China and represented Chinese students give speech with world top Physicists and mathematicians.









(1) With guidance of a PhD supervisor in The Elite Program in China, I took an initiative to refine the theory of ultraviolet-induced high GC content published onSciencein 1970. (2)During the year-long research, I applied Python to programming, analyzed piles of data from the NCBI, and testified the experimental results with the use of evolutionary theories. (3)My relentless efforts were paid off, when I was nominated top 15 out 350 senior high schoolers nationwide.

从中可以看出第1句以一个状语形式(With guidance of a PhD supervisor in The Elite Program in China)将项目与学生的科研成果结合起来。

I took an initiative to的使用,突出了学生主动性,增强表述的力度。



(二)审题后决定行文风格。哈佛大学夏校(Harvard Summer School)的申请文书中有这样一题:

If you had a free weekend during the academic year, how would you spend it and why?

题目看似与申请夏校或科研项目无关,有别于常规式的与科研项目有关的“闭环式”简述、小论文,更像是要求学生自己随意发挥的“故事会”。其实,这正是美国大学“以人为核心”的理念,故意设置一个轻松、开放式的场景——free weekend(自由支配的周末),引导学生自由发挥,回答how和why的问题,叙述如何过周末、为什么这样过,突出学生个性和人格力量,终极目标是回答大学最关心的“我是谁”(Who am I)这个核心。


During my busy academic year, it will be a great relief for me to shoot a short film based on my short novel, if I have a free weekend. In my spare time, I wrote and published my first short storyxxxonxx, a global magazine in English, in November 2023. The story discussed a dramatic relationship between dystopia and tragic fate of dreamers. I was more than pleased to share my thinking with international readers. However, I soon came to realize that novel-writing seemed less efficient in dissemination and communication than movies. Amazingly the movie language could be more acceptable in reflecting what a novel was supposed to demonstrate. I had filming experience before when I led a team to make a short movie namedDepressionduring a neuroscience-oriented program. The film we made was surprisingly top-rated, which summarized what the team had learned so far in neuroscience, including the origin of depression, the symptoms of the disease, and treatment to cure it. Assumably in the free weekend, I would follow suit to team up again for the sake of the novel-based short film. Apparently, I will take the lead to develop script, while others are responsible for designing story board and placing camera. Movie-making skills are not only helpful to spread my short story, but also essential for my future career. As a member of the Chinese Psychiatrist Association (CPA), I raise the profile of neuroscience and psychology to the public along with the team. I have tried webinars, posters, and newsletters to attract attention of audience. In comparison, movies seem more popular and could be optional in profile-raising of neuroscience and psychology.


周末将自己写的小说拍电影,应该是极具想象空间和个性化的行文风格,而学生的初稿更像是“加强版的事件列表”,而且事件陈述逻辑跳脱,学生极力想展示自己的活动经历,写小说、拍抑郁症的影片,由此证明自己对拍电影有兴趣,并具备相关技能,且认可拍电影是自己开展心理相关活动的有效工具。显然这些事不是在一个free weekend可以做完的,学生偏离了题目设定“free weekend”这个特定场景的特点。




“Action. Cut. Michael, once again you need to be aware that your lines are what you are speaking to yourself. You need to respond as if you are interacting with others.” The sharp voice out of the walkie-talkie echoed in a movie studio. “Points taken, David. Let me rehearse one more time, will you?” Michael begged the director with an awkward smile on his face. “Sure. Take your time.” I was leading a team to shoot a film in a free weekend. Film shooting seemed as busy as most part of my academic year. But it was quite a thrill to make a short movie based on my own short novel. I believe in science, especially neuroscience. Unfortunately, however, science is not everything. The beauty of art is what science may not have achieved yet, as Steve Jobs considered calligraphy to be artistically subtle in a way that science cannot capture. In fact, every academic area is a combination of science and art. In my spare time, I wrote and published my first short story in Englishxxxonxx. It discusses a dystopia of human life, which is full of daydreams and absurdities. It is no easy to find beauty. It is even more difficult to make beauty. But the beauty I have found and made lies in Don Quixote-style bravery, a hopeless optimism of human beings. I attribute the finding and making to my personality. As an introvert, I have spent most of my time looking attentively at the world around me. My quietness has not prevented me from capturing beauties with sharp eyes, even in the seemingly dullness. This time I plan to make beauty with a camera. “Action.” I ordered again. Looking desperate, Michael looked straight into my eyes, and said, “Yeah, no birds. But I saw one. Not only one, they flew across the sky now and then.” I thumbed up to Michael. How to tell a story seems far beyond science. But rather it depends on how much we understand human nature, which is as important as science.


[1]注释:Pioneer Academics(先锋学术)是全球唯一具备颁发顶尖大学学分资质的高中生在线研究项目。

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